Sunday, August 24, 2008

I left my heart in Black Rock City

I woke up with the realization that I am not going to Black Rock City this year. And it made me really sad. I think that today was the first time that it really sunk in. I distracted myself with Shambhala, but today is the day that everyone who didn't leave yesterday left. I'm just really sad that I won't be there for most of my friends virgin burns. At the same time, I'm totally excited to go with everyone next year, where no one will be a virgin. And I'm excited to go with Noah next year. This time we can really plan, and do some great stuff out there. And, of course, I'm excited to just share the experience with him.

I'm going to start making and collecting stuff for the burn next year. Making plans for everything, food, camp, people, transport, everything. Maybe I'll buy a little trailer or something. *Spends 15 minutes looking at buses, vans and shuttles on

What I'm really excited for, however, is to move into Noah and I's new place. I've moved all my stuff to his building, but it's in storage for now. No point in unpacking things I have to move in a week and a half. We're hopefully moving on the 3, at least by the 5. Our new apartment is going to be soooo nice! It's a one bedroom on the 16th floor, so we have a view of downtown. I feel like we're going to get a lot more light, and it will be much quieter without all the street noise, and people yelling drunk at 2 am. You walk in and there is the kitchen first, which is much bigger and like a real kitchen than the one we have now. It's open to the living room, where there are big windows that face south. To the right is a little hall where to the right is a much better laid out bathroom, and to the left is our bedroom. I AM SO EXCITED TO HAVE A BEDROOM AGAIN. I don't know if I can stress that enough. It's going to feel like a real home. As soon as we checked out the model one, I could see us living in it, see us sharing a life together there. And I knew I wanted it. Wanted that, that life, to share it with Noah.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I just feel the need to let everyone know...

that I am in love with Noah Eckstrand.