Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Living with Noah: Wonderful :) I love our life.

The Apartment: Amazing, except for the rampant 8 am construction occurring on scaffolding outside my window. That's right. We thought we'd gotten away from the construction, but no, it just followed us. So I wake up every morning to what sounds like someone taking a jackhammer to my concrete ceiling.

I'm so tired.

But on the upside, I've been taking meeting lots of new people in the neighborhood, mostly people from work, and been taking glass classes. I just finished Glass Blowing 1, and now am taking a Boro techniques class. Pictures of some finished work soon to come.

I made my first pair of fire poi. I LOVE THEM. I wasn't practicing on a regular basis for a few months, and it was beginning to show. So I've been putting in daily practice and can feel myself getting back in the groove. I'm going to take a belly dancing class and a capoiera class to improve my performance too.

I figure that since I have to stay put for a while to work and pay off some bills, I might as well do everything that I can't normally do on the road. Like take classes. Be super domestic create a comfortable home. Apply to graduate school. That's a big one. I'm definitely applying to Chatham University for my MFA in Creative Writing. I would kind of like to do the full-time residency program, but I think I will just do the low-residency one, that way Noah and I have options when it comes to where we want to live or if we want to travel for an extended period of time. He wants to put in at least 2 years at a job before we take off for a while. We're hoping he gets a good full-time offer from the place he's contracting at right now.

I can't put into words how happy I am that I met Noah. I feel like I can see how my entire life has led up to him. While it's amazing we never met when we were young, it could have only happened this way. It was perfect. It was like we were unknowingly drawn together, like a divine hand caused our paths to converge that morning. I can't believe that it was just chance. I don't really think that anything is chance.

I look forward to a long life with this man. I just want to make him happier than he's ever been. Because he not only makes me happy, I am better because of him.

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