Friday, August 17, 2007

Future plans

So I found this organization that does reforestation projects in south america. they ride horses and resemble a gypsy caravan roaming around and planting trees. i am going to join them. there is a rainbow gathering in november in mexico that they are doing work at, and i am going to go there and see how things would work out. then go back to chicago for a bit then run away to join the nomads united caravan. it's like a dream come true. i think that i am just going to say fuck saving up a ton of money. if i were to die tomorrow, what would i do today? work in a stuffy office to save money for the future? I've never lived the future, i've only lived today. so today, i am going to do what it is that i would do if it were my last day on earth. and roaming around south america on horseback planting trees sounds amazing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do it.