Thursday, September 13, 2007

Perpetual Evolution

It's amazing how much a person can change in the span of a mere months time.

My last post was about a month ago. Just got back from Chicago. It was weird to be home. Like I never left, but at the same time everything was different. I was different. I had that knowledge that I was getting the fuck out, that I was here temporarily.

Then I went to Burning Man.

Something I've been wanting to do for years now, I finally made it to Black Rock City. It was amazing. I'm not quite ready to write about it yet. I'm still processing my experience. But I can say that it has widened my perception. Altered it, might be a better word. Maybe widened by altering...anyway, moving on. It was everything I'd expected and so much more. My imagined anticipated world had finally come to life right in front of me, and I knew that I was right where I belonged. People say it, and it's true: Black Rock City is home. 50 more weeks until I'm home again. So little time to prepare for next year. So much to do.

So I return home, again, changed even more profoundly than when I first arrived (only a few weeks prior) and it was like the world had shifted. Or was it me?

Immersing oneself in another culture, whether it be a tiny village in a poor Asian country, or a temporary community in the desert, can't help but open eyes and make you grow.

This is why I must travel all the time. Travel as a way of life. I can only continue to learn and evolve. I am in a state of perpetual evolution, I believe is what Zach once told me.

How will my solo-cross-country drive affect and change me? What will living in Chicago for real this time do to/for me? Where will I wander to next? What will the circumstances of my relocation be? Will I just pack up and wander off? That's what I'd like to do. Wander out west. I need temporary jobs. Random gigs. No big corporate software company that pays really good. I have to give up the security of money and just live the life I want. Which I always thought required money. But I have been proved wrong. i can live the fulfilling nomadic life I've always wanted and I can do it with very little money. And I can make this money on the road.

So, Chicago here I come, then who knows. Only time will tell.

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