Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Things I took for granted in Gig Harbor:

1. Great scenery.
-We had the water, trees, beaches, islands, sunsets, mountains...

2. Drive-thru espresso stands.
-You can't even get a latte in parts of Minnesota.

3. No billboards.
-From ads for Wall Drug to the Cheese Chalet, South Dakota takes the cake on this one.

4. The weather.
-It really is awesome compared to, well, anywhere else.

5. The convenience of 3 smoke shops.
-I asked every gas station I stopped at from Wyoming to Minnesota if they carried clove cigarettes, and they all asked me if that was the brand.

more to come, falling asleep...


Display Name Unborn said...

so your on your way? i dont feel like i got to REALLY say goodbye, but all the same i think i also have come to realize that it will never be neccessary. As long as i keep making the connection secure, you always do the same, and we will never get cut off. We've done it before, and we'll do it again, and i look forward to the new person i will see next time. You (like you say i say) have always changed in subtle (sometimes major) ways over our friendship, but it was always good, posistive, in an upward way in one way or (learning experience) another. You look back only to remember, never to rest. I want to wish you good luck, but i feel like it would sound akward, as a send off, and thats not what this is... its the reassurance that i know you can accomplish what you want. No security? thats fine... because i know you can make it from anything you want.

super-ego said...

i love you, too.

missing you...