Friday, July 6, 2007

Finding focus

The artist I interviewed today was GREAT! I met her at her house at noon, and didn't leave until almost 4! She treated me to lunch. I tried to treat her but she wouldn't let me. She was so sweet. And she protested with Mark di Suvero in the sixties and had all these great stories and she was just as interested in me as I was in her. I think I made a friend. After lunch I helped her figure out how to change settings on her digital camera to take better photos of her sculptures, and then we played with her website a bit. I had a blast, and I got a big hug when I left. I can't wait to see her again.

So now I actually have to write my piece. For now I'm just doing a preliminary background art opening style piece. Later I'm going to expand it into a narrative telling the story of the Peace Tower through this artist and also talk about socially conscious art, in particular, the way that anti-war art is dealt with among galleries and shows. They aren't shown as much, and they are rarely sold, because no one wants disturbing images up on their mantel. I'm still trying to focus the piece. It will come. I hope.

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