Thursday, July 5, 2007

Reporting in Chicago

I'm about to do a group interview with five artists. I had intended only to meet with two of the women, but one of them is so gung-ho that she called everyone she knew (it seems) and now I'm meeting all of them at the Peace Tower. I have to go buy a digital recorder, there's no way I can take notes and try to hold a conversation with all of them at once! Luckily my editor is going to reimburse me for it. Being on fellowship is nice.

I'm really excited that the artist I think will be my protagonist e-mailed me back! (She is not one of the one's I'm meeting today). She protested with Mark di Suvero in 1966 (the organizer of the Chicago and NY Peace Towers, and a contributor to the original tower in 1966 as well) and was a contributor to the Chicago Peace Tower. I think that she will be the perfect person to help me understand Mark and the differences between the two towers political and environmental climates.

More to come on this...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.